This Friday I will be 48 years old. It is amazing to me because when I was a kid, 48 was old. Now this number represents a window of opportunity, a gate to taking more risks and a door open to dreams being claimed and fulfilled. It's strange when I should have been focused on accomplishing "things" I was focused on my children, their dreams and ministry. Nothing is wrong with any of those things, but somewhere along the way, I forgot about me. Forgetting about oneself is a common factor in the lives of women who are busy raising families, loving their spouses and helping the community. One day we simply wake up to a ticking clock reminding us that time is running out.
That clock has been going off for so long that many of us, have gotten use to hitting the snooze bar. We have snoozed so long, we now wake up panting and fretting that time is running out. I felt like that, guilty that I hadn't accomplished all that I wanted to do. Guilty, that I still haven't finished grad school and fifty is right about the corner. Guilty, that the book isn 't finished as I struggle everyday to block some time just to write. Guilty, because the CD isn't recorded and the contract isn't signed.
But God is loving, kind in His infinite wisdom and so patient with his weary children. When He said in the book of Ecclesiastes, to everything there is a season, I frequently excluded my dreams from that group. It was for everyone but me. But he gently reminded me that when I come into my season, there is nothing that I can't do. I only have myself to blame because I let my shortcomings and my lack of focus deter the dream that I had hidden in my heart. And yet God knew this and was patient with me as I got myself together.
Many times I lost focus because I was concerned about people's perception and acceptance. But I had to realize and accept that this was between me and God. And no one else.
God was going to do a great work in my life, but I had to change my perspective and prepare for the inevitable. God had a plan for my life and it was my responsiblity to engage in it. It was that simple.
So as I turn 48 at the end of the week, I have a new determination. To some it may be just another year but to me it is something entirely different. A doorway of possibilities is waiting for me to walk through it. A gate in a new field of dreams beacons for me to take bigger chances and greater risk. And finally there is a window longing for me to climb through it to a room with a view of favor, grace and purpose. It is going to be WONDERFUL.
Come on 48...
Why Big Shoes?
Because each day God requires us to walk in obedience, no matter how hard or long the journey. We need to walk in those shoes with boldness, confidence and courage. Everyone needs spiritual "Big Shoes" that will take them to new levels of spiritual impartation and revelation. I've learned, the hardest thing is we need the strength to put them on each day. And that takes faith. Who wants to walk in "Big Shoes" when you have been hurt or betrayed? Who has the courage to walk in "Big Shoes" when fear has your spirit gripped so tight you refuse to trust God to take you through your darkest days? The amazing thing is when you put on those "Big Shoes", the struggle doesn't seem so hard. God and His Holy Spirit carries you through the toughest journeys - even when you think you are walking alone. As you walk, the heaviness of the struggle doesn't seem to weigh you down as much. You force yourself to take one step at a time, pressing, pushing your way through every obstacle that rises up against you.
There is no need to try to do it all yourself when God is there to lead you to still waters and those luscious green pastures. No, walking in Big Shoes, simply means you have the courage to shout out to God, "I can't do this without you". Before you know it, you are at the place He wants you to be, encouraged, empowered, enabled to move forward in faith, confidence and trust.
There is no need to try to do it all yourself when God is there to lead you to still waters and those luscious green pastures. No, walking in Big Shoes, simply means you have the courage to shout out to God, "I can't do this without you". Before you know it, you are at the place He wants you to be, encouraged, empowered, enabled to move forward in faith, confidence and trust.