Since the 2008 Presidential Primary, I have been amazed at the atmosphere in the political arena. Pundits are so vindictive that candidates (and even viewers) could threaten a lawsuit. They are so busy calling names, sharing their perception of candidates' weaknesses, insinuating their lack of leadership that we lose focus on the important issues. I just want a truthful presentation of a honest candidate whose heart is filled with compassion for our country and the people who live in it.
No one likes to wear their politics on their sleeves. Well, there are some, but I have heard that it is so unethical to do so. When it comes to religion and politics, we are taught to keep our views on the "DL", (down low) because we don't want to offend. If we talk about Jesus, someone might get offended. If we share our views on political candidates someone might get offended and not like us anymore. Many are questioning this country's ability to be lead by an African American man. Even on MSNBC this week, a pundit was bold enough to declare, "this is a race issue". Sadly, I must agree.
I don't know. With everything our country has been through with Watergate, the hostage crisis, the Iran-Contra Affair, Whitewater, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, 9/11, and all the other "gates" I can't recall, I'm ready for something and someone different. I'm ready for leadership that is solid and focus. I'm ready to be lead by a man who is sincere when he shows his wife affection and doesn't care who writes about it. I'm ready to lead by a man who has a solid foundation in Christ (and no, it doesn't matter to me who is Pastor use to be). And yes, I'm even ready to lead by a man who doesn't have all the answers but he won't be ashamed to ask for help.
There are so many issues that we face as a country. Is there anyone out there who is willing to take a stand and a risk? Are you watching the news? Do you see what is going on in our country? And could someone please tell me when our troops are coming home?
I don't know, with gas at an all time high and grocery store receipts getting more outrageous, I want to shout and tell everyone to stand up! With families losing their homes by the hundred of thousands and folks losing their jobs, somebody better get concerned. With New Orleans still in a state of devastation, it seems like they all have been forgotten. Someone needs to pray and lead. With political leaders more concerned about their image and how they are perceived, no wonder we are in the state that we are in. Would someone please get concerned about the family who can't meet their bills? Would someone please get involved with the lady whose husband is abusing her? Would someone please get concerned about the family who is going to lose their home in the next 45 days? Would someone cook dinner for the solider who just returned home because he lost his leg in Iraq and his family is in a state of shock?
With all these issues our country is facing, would someone please stand up and VOTE this November? Take the biggest risk in your life and vote. We need CHANGE like we never needed it before.
Why Big Shoes?
Because each day God requires us to walk in obedience, no matter how hard or long the journey. We need to walk in those shoes with boldness, confidence and courage. Everyone needs spiritual "Big Shoes" that will take them to new levels of spiritual impartation and revelation. I've learned, the hardest thing is we need the strength to put them on each day. And that takes faith. Who wants to walk in "Big Shoes" when you have been hurt or betrayed? Who has the courage to walk in "Big Shoes" when fear has your spirit gripped so tight you refuse to trust God to take you through your darkest days? The amazing thing is when you put on those "Big Shoes", the struggle doesn't seem so hard. God and His Holy Spirit carries you through the toughest journeys - even when you think you are walking alone. As you walk, the heaviness of the struggle doesn't seem to weigh you down as much. You force yourself to take one step at a time, pressing, pushing your way through every obstacle that rises up against you.
There is no need to try to do it all yourself when God is there to lead you to still waters and those luscious green pastures. No, walking in Big Shoes, simply means you have the courage to shout out to God, "I can't do this without you". Before you know it, you are at the place He wants you to be, encouraged, empowered, enabled to move forward in faith, confidence and trust.
There is no need to try to do it all yourself when God is there to lead you to still waters and those luscious green pastures. No, walking in Big Shoes, simply means you have the courage to shout out to God, "I can't do this without you". Before you know it, you are at the place He wants you to be, encouraged, empowered, enabled to move forward in faith, confidence and trust.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Power of Lasting Friendship

Do you know the importance of a lasting friendship? And when I type "lasting", I'm not talking about a friend that you met four years ago at the local church, PTA or neighborhood watch meeting. Those friends are wonderful to have. Don't get me wrong. It is a blessing when the Lord gives you a friend especially when you haven't had a good one in a long time. Someone to share with, laugh with and hang out with at the local mall. But this type of friendship is different. I'm talking about a friend that you have had over 10, 15 or 25 years. The type of friend that walks with you through heartache, divorce or great loss. This type of friend knows all your idiosyncrasies and loves you anyway. A friend who knows your greatest fears yet strives to push you to your greatest level. I'm blessed. I have some wonderful friends that I've know for over twenty -five years. But I'm not even talking about them. (If you are reading this blog entry...I love you, I really do!)
No, I'm talking about these friends. These three women (they're sisters) are my oldest friends. Meet Caroline, (me), Kelly and Chris. I met Kelly when I was three or four years old. I could have been younger. One of my youngest memories is of me crying because Kellie had to report to school on the first day. I couldn't tag along. I wasn't old enough to go to school. I think I was four. I was heartbroken. I remember it like it was yesterday. All I know is I have known her my entire life. Kelly has been my best friend for over forty years. When baby sister Caroline, could walk independently, she tagged along on all of our adventures whether we wanted her to or not. She was a constant reminder that she was a part of us too. And we didn't really appreciate Chris until we got a little bit older. She liked to boss us around but she could play a mean hands of jacks.
We were a part of the "Hartley Hill Gang". The title, we gave to ourselves. It's the street we lived on some 40 years ago. And surprisingly, there were more of us. Richie, Toni, Zep, Terry, Mary Gail, Linda, Lou Ellen and Wilma all were a part of those childhood memories. During elementary and middle school we had pageants, fashion shows, singing contests and boy, could we play church. We hiked hours in the woods and scoured the neighborhood for apple trees. We ate them green and raw.
Remembering those summer nights of "One, Two, Three Red Light", "Red Rover", "Hide and Seek" only brought back fonder memories of summer days of softball, kickball and tag. Choir rehearsal, Vacation Bible School (VBS) and days up at the Rec filled our summer days with Jesus, Bible verses and days on the swings . I'll never forget when there was going to be an eclipse. We all believed that it was the end of the world. Did we panic? No! We gathered on the softball field, joined hands and prayed for God's divine intervention!!!!
During high school, we went to Chris' basketball games, I marched in the band and Kellie cheered at the football games. We went on triple dates, hung out at Broyhill Park and spent summer days at Lake James. (Caroline wasn't old enough and we FINALLY got to leave her at home.) But those days we were home, we spent hours reading Harlequin Romances, Silhouette Desires and listened to R&B. We danced, joked and laughed until our sides would ache and tears streamed down our faces. We did everything together. We got our ears pierced...together. We went to the pool...together. We shared cookies and peach sodas from their Grandfather's store...together. One day, we decided to play with matches and we inadvertently set the woods on fire. The fire trucks came and of course, they blamed me. Didn't we do everything TOGETHER?! No, we did not get a spanking together...only me. (I'm still upset about it!)
Yet, here we are together again. Last weekend, some 40 plus years later, we celebrated Chris and her husband, LeChone's 18 year Recommitment Ceremony. (Isn't she beautiful?) We laughed and cried. Chris cried through the entire ceremony. When she wasn't crying, she was laughing. It was the funniest thing. Kelly, Caroline and I tried to be adult and not fall on the floor from laughing. (By the way, we use to be terrible in church. We would laugh at the Mothers of the church who sang off key and we tried our best not to pee on ourselves...literally. But remember, we were only 9, 12, and 13.) Yet, here we were in Havelock, NC all grown up, acting like three young school girls, laughing at the most inappropriate time and I was remembering yesterday.
Yes, these are my oldest and dearest friends. We finish each other's sentences. We know what the other is thinking and can quickly state it better than the other. We have loved and supported each other through the death of their young mother, their father and my daughter. We endured parental alcoholism, a family shooting and high school heartbreak (three of us...well, Kelly would say two of us). Oh, the ties that bind. We have been in each other's weddings and supported two through divorce, one during the death of a fiance and loved one through some difficult personal trials. They love my parents as if they were their own and we share the love for our children. Still, on last weekend, (although it was Chris's day), it was still about us. The Hartley Hill Gang, sharing yet another milestone in the life of one another. As we stood taking this picture, I couldn't help but reminisce about the days in the apple trees and playing kickball on the Hill. It is amazing how God can bless you with this much love through the power of friendship. He intricately entwined our lives together that even when we are a part, we are still together.
As we loaded up the car to leave the hotel, I hugged Kelly and Caroline with tears threatening to stream down my face. These were my friends, (I would even say, my sisters), who will always be a part of me. I look back over my own life and I realize that I would not be the woman I am today had these women not been in my life. I don't think I could have made it this far without them.
So to you, I say, treasure that old friend. Call them up, reminisce and talk about "the old days". Share those powerful stories and great adventures that made you laugh and cry.
But try not to pee in your pants.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Just A Girl's Getaway
You never know how the Lord is going to orchestrate your life from one week to another. Last week, I nervously awaited a Doctor's consult on my Mom's recent weight loss. It is terrible waiting, praying, begging, proclaiming that all things are well. We are still waiting but instead of being nervous or anxious, God allowed my Mom and me to go on a two-day getaway. This was a very special trip. We were going to a Recommitment Service of one of my oldest friends. She and her husband were celebrating eighteen years of marriage and my Mom and I wouldn't have miss it. So the trip was very important. But my Mom is 86 years old. She is not as spry as she used to be. And many times she gets confused. She has to use the assistance of a walker and sometimes she even calls me Brittany. Even when she is confused or she can't remember a certain fact, I get concerned. She is my Mommy and as times passes, I often think about the future and the possibility of life without her. I am determined that age it isn't going to hinder her. While she is young at heart, I want her to enjoy life. I call her my baby and she is. I ask her, "Moma, do you think I treat you like a baby?" She just smiles and says, "No, you just love me." So, I had the luggage, my tote, her tote, my computer, snacks, her purse, napkins, her jacket, her coffee and the BoJangles sausage biscuits. We were ready and the walker was on the back seat.
On this trip, like so many others, we had the best time talking about marriage, our husbands, the children, church and her favorite, the local foliage. Mom is a plant and tree freak (I say that respectfully, of course!) and it is nothing for her to talk a hour about wild flowers and native trees that line the highway. But when we are in the car for hours, (this trip was six!), traveling can be hard. But I am so grateful! There I was, with my Mom, reminiscing about my childhood days, the antics of me and my childhood friends and the importance of family. She was giving me wise counsel on raising my own children, the importance of being a good wife, and the importance of good music in the church. Somewhere between Raleigh and Clayton, I couldn't help but get misty. She was talking and talking, and in my heart, I was so full. I was blessed to have her impart into my life. She wasn't going to let age stop her from being my Mom. No, she shared and I listened. "Yes, Mam," "Uh-huh" and "Okay" were my replies and for a split second I thought about her not being around forever. What would life be like without her as a sounding board in my life? Moments like these are so precious.
As we traveled this weekend, God gave me a special gift; a forty-eight hour girl's getaway. Times past, I thought a two-day girl's getaway would be hanging out at the local spa, with massage, spa lunch and shopping. But God let me see how wonderful it is to be able to travel with your mother, even when she is 86 years old and on a walker. I will treasure every memory and each conversation. The look of excitement that crossed her face, as we entered a small town where she had never been. The joy of seeing my old friends and Mom being able to recall things that happened to us thirty-five years ago. Most importantly, to be able to share with my Mom the joy and tears of a old friend who is so much in love she cried throughout her own recommitment ceremony - even after eighteen years of marriage. It was a beautiful weekend and I didn't think of that Doctor's appointment once.
On this trip, like so many others, we had the best time talking about marriage, our husbands, the children, church and her favorite, the local foliage. Mom is a plant and tree freak (I say that respectfully, of course!) and it is nothing for her to talk a hour about wild flowers and native trees that line the highway. But when we are in the car for hours, (this trip was six!), traveling can be hard. But I am so grateful! There I was, with my Mom, reminiscing about my childhood days, the antics of me and my childhood friends and the importance of family. She was giving me wise counsel on raising my own children, the importance of being a good wife, and the importance of good music in the church. Somewhere between Raleigh and Clayton, I couldn't help but get misty. She was talking and talking, and in my heart, I was so full. I was blessed to have her impart into my life. She wasn't going to let age stop her from being my Mom. No, she shared and I listened. "Yes, Mam," "Uh-huh" and "Okay" were my replies and for a split second I thought about her not being around forever. What would life be like without her as a sounding board in my life? Moments like these are so precious.
As we traveled this weekend, God gave me a special gift; a forty-eight hour girl's getaway. Times past, I thought a two-day girl's getaway would be hanging out at the local spa, with massage, spa lunch and shopping. But God let me see how wonderful it is to be able to travel with your mother, even when she is 86 years old and on a walker. I will treasure every memory and each conversation. The look of excitement that crossed her face, as we entered a small town where she had never been. The joy of seeing my old friends and Mom being able to recall things that happened to us thirty-five years ago. Most importantly, to be able to share with my Mom the joy and tears of a old friend who is so much in love she cried throughout her own recommitment ceremony - even after eighteen years of marriage. It was a beautiful weekend and I didn't think of that Doctor's appointment once.
Friday, August 15, 2008

You would never guess how long it has taken me to design this blog! After having such a predestined time at SheSpeaks, (more on the conference later) I was determined to come home and start a blog. The conference was awesome. When you leave, you feel like you can do anything!!! Well, that is not the case. I left SheSpeaks knowing I would have my blog up in a matter of days and that was back in June. It’s pitiful, I know, but every free moment I been toiling down in my office, designing, adding gadgets, trying to import pictures that don't look like postage stamps (I still haven’t figured that out!). I think it has a lot to do with my intimidation of technology. I go in believing that is going to be hard and guess what, it is. That is the reason my brand new digital camera and my brand new Palm is still sitting in the box begging to be used. Can you believe that I just purchased an I-Phone? It is a struggle but I’m able to answer the phone. (Although it did take me two weeks to figure out how to program my voicemail).
So now I am venturing in the blogosphere determine that I will post something of substance. I pray that it is a blessing and your lives will be enriched. Talk about a faith walk and needing “Big Shoes”. But I am determined to try new things even though I am intimidated and I can’t find even find my “Big Shoes”. I think faith is about taking great risk and trusting God while you do it. Sometimes you have to trust God when you don't know the difference between a html and a dashboard. Yikes!
But God is faithful? When I look back over my life it is amazing how much He has blessed me. I have been married to the same wonderful and loving man for nearly 25 years. What a blessed journey. We partner in ministry and find great joy in serving God full-time. It is a blessing that God chose us!! We have three incredible children...but only two are living. We lost our beloved Britt to cancer 19 months ago and our lives will never be the same! Each day is a challenge, but still we trust Him! God has blessed us with two marvelous sons, Brian and Bryson. We strive to serve the Lord and make a difference in the lives of His people, one day at a time. As we face the challenges of ministry we trust God to anoint us to lead the lost and the hopeless back to Him. What a wonderful assignment for His Kingdom and we are striving to meet each challenge in "Big Shoes". With a hug from my kids and a cup of coffee with my husband, each day gets better and better. It is a priviledge to serve God and his people. Now, how do I post this thing?
Sweet Blessings,
Sweet Blessings,
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